Consumer Survey

Gaunley Home Care, LLC :

Request your honest opinion and suggestions to improve our service

So, Please help us to complete the following Customer Satisfaction Survey provided by our company to you.

Thank you for your time.


Customer Satisfaction Survey

Did the Gaunley Home Care deliver the quality services that were promised?

Consistently MoreMore than expectedAs expectedLess than expected

How likely is that you would recommend Gaunley Home Care to your friend or collegue?

Consistently MoreMore than expectedAs expectedLess than expected

Was consistent services provided on approach, scope and schedule?

Consistently MoreMore than expectedAs expectedLess than expected

How would you rate our personnel based on their knowledge and skills?

Consistently MoreMore than expectedAs expectedLess than expected

How do you rate the Gaunley Home Care, LLC, personnel's attribute and honesty?

Consistently MoreMore than expectedAs expectedLess than expected

Was there open and timely communication between you and a Direct Care Worker (DCW)?

Consistently MoreMore than expectedAs expectedLess than expected

Were there right personnel consistently assigned throughout the service?

Consistently MoreMore than expectedAs expectedLess than expected

Was the Gaunley Home Care creative and flexible in their approach to meeting objectives?

Consistently MoreMore than expectedAs expectedLess than expected

Overall,how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with our service? (4 is the best)


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